Human Design

Recognize Your Gifts | Respect Your Needs | Find Your Own Path


Human Design

Recognize Your Gifts | Respect Your Needs | Find Your Own Path

What if you had a map that helps you to:

recognize you strengths
make aligned choices
be more aware in your daily life and listen to your inner wisdom
avoid making decisions that drain your energy
understand what kind of things affect your energy levels
notice how other people affect you and what you do (either supporting your well-being or decreasing your well-being) 

What if you had permission to be more and more authentically you?

What if you had a map that helps you to:

recognize you strengths
make aligned choices
be more aware in your daily life and listen to your inner wisdom
avoid making decisions that drain your energy
understand what kind of things affect your energy levels
notice how other people affect you and what you do (either supporting your well-being or decreasing your well-being) 

What if you had permission to be more and more authentically you?

Why Do So Many of Us Feel Lost?

Very early on, we start learning what behaviors, professions, life choices, etc., are valued and which are less valued by our childhood family and the culture in which we grew up.

We are also affected by the burdens of past generations and our own life experiences.

Among other things, these things can prevent you from listening to your inner wisdom. Many of us do not recognize our needs, and feel external pressure to do things a certain way. Difficulty saying no is also common.

Many of us make choices based on what we "should do."

It doesn't feel meaningful to live life this way. We use energy for things that do not support well-being and coping.

Many of us try to be something we are not.

We are burdened by "conditioning" that takes us away from our true selves.

Each of us is a unique human individual with our own strengths and stumbling blocks.

It is wrong to try to fit us into the same mold.

Why Do So Many of Us Feel Lost?

Very early on, we start learning what behaviors, professions, life choices, etc., are valued and which are less valued by our childhood family and the culture in which we grew up.

We are also affected by the burdens of past generations and our own life experiences.

Among other things, these things can prevent you from listening to your inner wisdom. Many of us do not recognize our needs, and feel external pressure to do things a certain way. Difficulty saying no is also common.

Many of us make choices based on what we "should do."

It doesn't feel meaningful to live life this way. We use energy for things that do not support well-being and coping.

Many of us try to be something we are not.

We are burdened by "conditioning" that takes us away from our true selves.

Each of us is a unique human individual with our own strengths and stumbling blocks.

It is wrong to try to fit us into the same mold.

What Is Human Design? 

Human Design is a practical tool that helps people live as we are meant to live - as our authentic selves.

The Human Design system is a synthesis that includes elements from ancient systems (Chinese I'Ching, Kabbalah, Astrology, Hindu Brahmin chakra system) and modern fields such as quantum physics.

Frankly, I was very skeptical when I first heard about Human Design. In a moment, you will find out why I became interested in learning more about Human Design despite my initial skepticism.

”Knowing yourself is the path to loving yourself.” 

The Definite Book of Human Design - The Science of Differentiation

Conditioning is about everything that has told or tells us what we "should" be like and how we "should" act. This process makes you believe you cannot be who you are. However, we also learned helpful things that keep us safe. So, not all conditioning is necessarily a bad thing.

Deconditioning is all about letting go of the old story that it's not okay to be who or what you are.

What works for you may not work for someone else. We are different and unique in many ways, and that's okay.

However, from childhood, we receive so many messages about what is good and what is not, what is desirable and what is not, what is appreciated and what is not, and you could say that "your true self" gets lost in the middle of all this, far from how in this world and in your life you act.

Human Design is not a religion; you don't even have to believe in it to benefit from it.

"Don't believe a thing I tell you, try it for yourself." - Ra Uru Hu

How can you get your Human Design bodygraph?

Several sites on the Internet allow you to download your bodygraph for free. Your Bodygraph is generated based on your birth data. To download your bodygraph, you need to know your birthday, birth time, and place of birth (these chart generators use the place of birth to obtain the correct time zone).

Here is an example of a Human Design Bodygrah. 

Human Design is a map that guides you toward a life that feels aligned and meaningful and supports your well-being.

What Is Human Design? 

Human Design is a practical tool that helps people live as we are meant to live - as our authentic selves.

The Human Design system is a synthesis that includes elements from ancient systems (Chinese I'Ching, Kabbalah, Astrology, Hindu Brahmin chakra system) and modern fields such as quantum physics.

Frankly, I was very skeptical when I first heard about Human Design. In a moment, you will find out why I became interested in learning more about Human Design despite my initial skepticism.

”Knowing yourself is the path to loving yourself.” 

The Definite Book of Human Design - The Science of Differentiation

Conditioning is about everything that has told or tells us what we "should" be like and how we "should" act. This process makes you believe you cannot be who you are. However, we also learned helpful things that keep us safe. So, not all conditioning is necessarily a bad thing.

Deconditioning is all about letting go of the old story that it's not okay to be who or what you are.

What works for you may not work for someone else. We are different and unique in many ways, and that's okay.

However, from childhood, we receive so many messages about what is good and what is not, what is desirable and what is not, what is appreciated and what is not, and you could say that "your true self" gets lost in the middle of all this, far from how in this world and in your life you act.

Human Design is not a religion; you don't even have to believe in it to benefit from it.

"Don't believe a thing I tell you, try it for yourself." - Ra Uru Hu

How can you get your Human Design bodygraph?

Several sites on the Internet allow you to download your bodygraph for free. Your Bodygraph is generated based on your birth data. To download your bodygraph, you need to know your birthday, birth time, and place of birth (these chart generators use the place of birth to obtain the correct time zone).

Here is an example of a Human Design Bodygraph.  

Human Design is a map that guides you toward a life that feels aligned and meaningful and supports your well-being.

What I Hope You Know:

You Are Unique And Valuable.

As Karen Curry Parker says:
"You are a once-in-a-lifetime cosmic event."

You Have a Right to Be You.

And live your life in a way that suits you.

You May Feel That You’re Not Enough or That You’re Too Much

And I believe that most often, that's because your strengths, skills, characteristics, etc. have been looked at from a narrow perspective.

What I Hope You Know:

You Are Unique And Valuable.

As Karen Curry Parker says:
"You are a once-in-a-lifetime cosmic event."

You Have a Right to Be You.

And live your life in a way that suits you.

You May Feel That You’re Not Enough or That You’re Too Much

And I believe that most often, that's because your strengths, skills, characteristics, etc. have been looked at from a narrow perspective.

Hi! I'm Piia Tuominen.

As mentioned, I was skeptical and reserved when I heard about Human Design.

My friend asked me if I had heard of Human Design and told me where to download my bodygraph. I remember thinking: "I guess I can take a look and see what it is about."

I was fairly sure I would take a quick look and move on without being interested in learning more about it.

However, a surprise awaited me on the website I went to to look at my chart.

In addition to the bodygraph (which looked very confusing to me, to say the least!), there was a list of a few questions related to my design. Those questions struck me so profoundly that I found myself crying!

"These are things that I experience but don't talk about out loud. Hardly anyone knows these things about me. How can these be here?!"

This experience decreased my skepticism and increased my curiosity to learn more.

And I haven't regretted getting to know this system in more detail.

A Powerful Feeling of Being Seen

Human Design has given me a powerful feeling of being seen. I have heard the same from other people getting to know their design.

The first glimpse at a bodygraph is a very confusing experience for most people. It can be overwhelming to try to understand what you are looking at. Sure, you can describe the shapes and numbers you see in it, but it is an entirely different thing to understand what it all means!

I know first-hand how frustrating it can be to figure out what's hiding in your bodygraph. Only after starting to learn about Human Design systematically and with the guidance of a teacher did things click for me.

Human Design has helped me identify my strengths and understand my mission better.

I know what I came here to do. How cool is that?

Hi! I'm Piia Tuominen.

As mentioned, I was skeptical and reserved when I heard about Human Design.

My friend asked me if I had heard of Human Design and told me where to download my bodygraph. I remember thinking: "I guess I can take a look and see what it is about."

I was fairly sure I would take a quick look and move on without being interested in learning more about it.

However, a surprise awaited me on the website I went to to look at my chart.

In addition to the bodygraph (which looked very confusing to me, to say the least!), there was a list of a few questions related to my design. Those questions struck me so profoundly that I found myself crying!

"These are things that I experience but don't talk about out loud. Hardly anyone knows these things about me. How can these be here?!"

This experience decreased my skepticism and increased my curiosity to learn more.

And I haven't regretted getting to know this system in more detail.

A Powerful Feeling of Being Seen

Human Design has given me a powerful feeling of being seen. I have heard the same from other people getting to know their design.

The first glimpse at a bodygraph is a very confusing experience for most people. It can be overwhelming to try to understand what you are looking at. Sure, you can describe the shapes and numbers you see in it, but it is an entirely different thing to understand what it all means!

I know first-hand how frustrating it can be to figure out what's hiding in your bodygraph. Only after starting to learn about Human Design systematically and with the guidance of a teacher did things click for me.

Human Design has helped me identify my strengths and understand my mission better.

I know what I came here to do. How cool is that?

"Getting to know my bodychart with Piia helped me understand my actions. The themes we went through sounded so familiar that I could only laugh at times. I also noticed why I get tired so easily. I've used my energy in a wrong way. Now I can pay attention to it.


"Getting to know my bodychart with Piia helped me understand my actions. The themes we went through sounded so familiar that I could only laugh at times. I also noticed why I get tired so easily. I've used my energy in a wrong way. Now I can pay attention to it.


Would you like to have a map that guides you towards a life that is more aligned, and supports your wellbeing?  

Choose your next step from the options below!

Would you like to have a map that guides you towards a life that is more aligned, and supports your wellbeing?  

Choose your next step from the options below!

Personal Human Design -Readings/Guidance:


The most important basics of your Human Design Chart

Personal Human Design Reading (90 min)*

Choose this if you want to know the most important aspects of your Human Design Chart!

Type: How you interract with other and what is the role of your type in this world.
Strategy: How you get opportunities.
Authority: How you are meant to make decisions. 
Not-Self and Signature: What are the signposts that help you recognize when you are aligned and when something needs to change. 
Defined Centers: You influence other people through your defined centers. This is part of what you give/teach to others.  
Undefined/open Centers: Through your open centers you take in energy from others. This is part of what you are here to learn. 

The meetings will be on Zoom. You'll see your bodygraph on the screen so that you can see what we are talking about and you'll learn to understand your chart. You'll get access to the recordings of these meetings so that you can watch them again.   


Dive in deeper to your Human Design

Personal Human Design Reading (3 x 60 min)*

Choose this if you want a bit deeper dive into your Human Design Chart!

Type: How you interract with other and what is the role of your type in this world.
Strategy: How you get opportunities.
Authority: How you are meant to make decisions. 
Not-Self and Signature: What are the signposts that help you recognize when you are aligned and when something needs to change. 
Defined Centers: You influence other people through your defined centers. This is part of what you give/teach to others.  
Undefined/open Centers: Through your open centers you take in energy from others. This is part of what you are here to learn. 
Profile: Your public role. The core of your personality. How others see you.  
Circuits: These affect, for example, the extent to which you are interested in yourself, humanity, or your family and immediate community. (Note: none of these are better or worse than the others.)
Channels: Life themes and strengths.

The meetings will be on Zoom. You'll see your bodygraph on the screen so that you can see what we are talking about and you'll learn to understand your chart. You'll get access to the recordings of these meetings so that you can watch them again.   

Human Design Integration Package

Deep Dive into your design and integrate Human Design into your life!

Personal Human Design Reading + 4 Month Human Design Coaching*

This is for you if you want to integrate Human Design to your daily life and you want deeper (but practical!) understanding about how you operate and how you can utilize your Human Design in your life.  

Type: How you interract with other and what is the role of your type in this world.
Strategy: How you get opportunities.
Authority: How you are meant to make decisions. 
Not-Self and Signature: What are the signposts that help you recognize when you are aligned and when something needs to change. 
Defined Centers: You influence other people through your defined centers. This is part of what you give/teach to others.  
Undefined/open Centers: Through your open centers you take in energy from others. This is part of what you are here to learn. 
Profile: Your public role. The core of your personality. How others see you.  
Circuits: These affect, for example, the extent to which you are interested in yourself, humanity, or your family and immediate community. (Note: none of these are better or worse than the others.)
Channels: Life themes and strengths.
Incarnation Cross: This is basically your life purpose.   
Your Voice: How your throat center works.
Variables: Your motivation and your unique perspective (among other things)

During this 4-month process you'll get to know your Human Design and how it shows up in real life situations. I'll share with you how you can utilize your undertanding about your design in your daily life. You'll get perspective to roadblocks and recurring challenges you may face, and tips and exercises to decondition yourself.

*12 x 60 min. + email/voice messages. The meetings will be on Zoom. You'll see your bodygraph on the screen so that you can see what we are talking about and you'll learn to understand your chart. You'll get access to the recordings of these meetings so that you can watch them again.   

Personal Human Design -Readings/Guidance:


The most important basics of your Human Design Chart

Personal Human Design Reading (90 min)*

Choose this if you want to know the most important aspects of your Human Design Chart!

Type: How you interract with other and what is the role of your type in this world.
Strategy: How you get opportunities.
Authority: How you are meant to make decisions. 
Not-Self and Signature: What are the signposts that help you recognize when you are aligned and when something needs to change. 
Defined Centers: You influence other people through your defined centers. This is part of what you give/teach to others.  
Undefined/open Centers: Through your open centers you take in energy from others. This is part of what you are here to learn. 

The meetings will be on Zoom. You'll see your bodygraph on the screen so that you can see what we are talking about and you'll learn to understand your chart. You'll get access to the recordings of these meetings so that you can watch them again.   


Dive in deeper to your Human Design

Personal Human Design Reading (3 x 60 min)*

Choose this if you want a bit deeper dive into your Human Design Chart!

Type: How you interract with other and what is the role of your type in this world.
Strategy: How you get opportunities.
Authority: How you are meant to make decisions. 
Not-Self and Signature: What are the signposts that help you recognize when you are aligned and when something needs to change. 
Defined Centers: You influence other people through your defined centers. This is part of what you give/teach to others.  
Undefined/open Centers: Through your open centers you take in energy from others. This is part of what you are here to learn. 
Profile: Your public role. The core of your personality. How others see you.  
Circuits: These affect, for example, the extent to which you are interested in yourself, humanity, or your family and immediate community. (Note: none of these are better or worse than the others.)
Channels: Life themes and strengths.

The meetings will be on Zoom. You'll see your bodygraph on the screen so that you can see what we are talking about and you'll learn to understand your chart. You'll get access to the recordings of these meetings so that you can watch them again.   

Human Design Integration Package

Deep Dive into your design and integrate Human Design into your life!

Personal Human Design Reading + 4 Month Human Design Coaching*

This is for you if you want to integrate Human Design to your daily life and you want deeper (but practical!) understanding about how you operate and how you can utilize your Human Design in your life.  

Type: How you interract with other and what is the role of your type in this world.
Strategy: How you get opportunities.
Authority: How you are meant to make decisions. 
Not-Self and Signature: What are the signposts that help you recognize when you are aligned and when something needs to change. 
Defined Centers: You influence other people through your defined centers. This is part of what you give/teach to others.  
Undefined/open Centers: Through your open centers you take in energy from others. This is part of what you are here to learn. 
Profile: Your public role. The core of your personality. How others see you.  
Circuits: These affect, for example, the extent to which you are interested in yourself, humanity, or your family and immediate community. (Note: none of these are better or worse than the others.)
Channels: Life themes and strengths.
Incarnation Cross: This is basically your life purpose.   
Your Voice: How your throat center works.
Variables: Your motivation and your unique perspective (among other things)

During this 4-month process you'll get to know your Human Design and how it shows up in real life situations. I'll share with you how you can utilize your undertanding about your design in your daily life. You'll get perspective to roadblocks and recurring challenges you may face, and tips and exercises to decondition yourself.

*12 x 60 min. + email/voice messages. The meetings will be on Zoom. You'll see your bodygraph on the screen so that you can see what we are talking about and you'll learn to understand your chart. You'll get access to the recordings of these meetings so that you can watch them again.   

Henkilökohtaiset Human Design -tulkinnat/ohjaukset:

Tutustu sinun Human Designin perusteisiin!


Henkilökohtainen Human Design -tulkinta (90 min.)

Epä-minä ja "Signature"
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Henkilökohtainen Human Design -tulkinta (90 min.)

Sukella perusteita syvemmälle omaan...

A great community

Henkilökohtainen Human Design -tulkinta. (3 x 60 min.)

Epä-minä ja "Signature"
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Integroi Human Design osaksi elämääsi!

Human Design osaksi elämää

Henkilökohtainen tulkinta + 4 kk:n Human Design -ohjaus

Epä-minä ja "Signature"
Aktiiviset keskukset
Avoimet keskukset

*12 x 60 min. + email/ääniviestit

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